Base fee 9,50 €
13 persons1,28 € / km
48 persons1,88 € / km
+Time fare1,16 € / min
NOTE! The price is based on the distance travelled and travel time 
Minivan taxi orders always priced for 4-8 people
Fixed prices are negotiable
Other fees
Fee for advance booking8,50 €
Special orders (safety seat; only available when booked in advance)8,50 €
Assistance fee – if a customer requires assistance and a vehicle equipped for the disabled15,60 €
Assistance fee – as above, but assistance in stairs is done manually or with the help of a stair climber31,20 €
Fee for stretchers – retrieval and installation before transport of stretchers needed for the transportation of a customer31,00 €
Airport fee5,00€
Prices include VAT 14%.
The driver starts the meter when arriving to your address.

Need charter?

Call +358 100 87 888
Or tel:+358 50 468 2244

0100 call price 0.82€/call + carrier fees